The weeks seem to be flying by faster than ever. I keep realising that things that I thought happened about a week ago were actually the best part a month ago. It's May. Where has the year gone?
This I ascribe to the constant background stress caused by the building work on the house. “8-10 weeks”, they said, but this Sunday will mark the end of week 14. Progress has tailed off due to various delays and interdependencies, plus the builders have started on another project. Niggling problems still need fixing.
We're all pretty much fed up now of living on a building site: Huddled together in a couple of rooms upstairs, crammed with furniture and belongings we want to protect from the worst of the dust; Having the odd tired and pointless argument about something we don't actually disagree on; Working till midnight to make up for hours lost coordinating things with tradesmen; Eating out, unhealthily, because we don't have a kitchen to speak of.
Very much looking forward to looking back on these few months. It is going to be a great house. I’m sure it'll feel worth it once we forget how grinding the process was.